A September Update for The Promise

From Carer Participation Groups to staff development sessions, this September has been another busy month for The Promise Service. Find out more about how we are upholding the values of the Promise here at FCA Scotland.

An update from The Promise Lead, Roxanne…

September was another busy month for The Promise service, starting off with our first Carer Participation Group which seen 15 of our carers in attendance.  The majority of these carers had completed the survey on The Promise where suggestions had been made on changes which they would like to see FCA Scotland make in line with the foundations of The Promise.  Some of these suggestions formed the agenda for the meeting, which lead to very positive and focused discussions.  It has been agreed that this group will continue on a regular basis, with the next date scheduled for the end of October.

Feedback from FCA Scotland in respect of the main themes which were highlighted by our carers and young people within The Promise survey has also now been circulated so that our carers and young people can see that we are listening to the feedback provided and working hard to make changes.  The survey does remain open and we continue to welcome feedback from our carers and young people.

FCA Scotland has an Adult Placement Hub that meets regularly to discuss developments in the Adult Placement Service.  After a recent meeting, we have now identified young people to become “Champions” and participate in service development for Adult Placements and Continuing Care, by sharing their views and experiences.

FCA Scotland also held a staff development session in September which gave the whole staff team the opportunity to come together to discuss the progress made so far in respect of The Promise, and participate in some creative brainstorming and picture board activities around further areas of development.  This was a fun and positive session which has given us lots of great ideas for continuing to progress FCA Scotland’s pledge to #KeepThePromise.

We continue to progress the updating of FCA Scotland policies, procedures and documentation and an updated version of the Foster Carer Handbook has now been uploaded to The Exchange with relevant changes made in respect of The Promise, Language That Cares, and a new section relating to Adult Placements.

And finally, the first edition of “Keeping The Promise”, a newsletter for our carers and young people to update them on the progress of The Promise service has now been circulated to all carer households by email, and also with copies being posted to each individual young person.

If anyone has any queries or suggestions regarding The Promise, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Roxanne Little
Service Lead – The Promise
FCA Scotland


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