A New Year Promise Update

Roxanne, Service Lead for The Promise, gives her update on FCA Scotland’s progress in upholding The promise, with exciting new opportunities for our staff, carers and young people to get involved in 2023.

A New Year update from Roxanne…

I want to wish all our fostering families and young people a Happy New Year. 2022 seems to have disappeared, so I wanted to provide some updates for you all on FCA Scotland’s progress in respect of our pledge to #KeepThePromise, as we look forward to progressing this further as we move into 2023.

Carer Participation Groups

This group is currently running via Microsoft Teams on a 6 weekly basis. These sessions have been well attended and this has been a positive and productive space where carers are able to bring their own agenda points for discussion, and contribute their views in respect of service developments within FCA Scotland.

Discussion topics to date have included the format of carer recordings, participation and support of sons, daughters and grandchildren within fostering households; review and panel processes; and the return of face to face training for foster carers, as well as providing an opportunity to provide feedback in respect of the main themes raised by carers and young people in The Promise survey which can still be accessed from the QR Code or from this link.

If you would like to join the next Carer Participation Group or would like some further information on previous discussions, then please do get in touch.

Copies of The Pinky Promise are also still available for all young people and fostering families, please get in touch if you would like a copy.

Participation Evenings

In November 2022, we were delighted to have 7 of our young people come along to a participation evening, where we shared some lovely pizzas for dinner, before they supported us to prepare a contribution to our local foodbank. Some of these donations had been collected by carers, staff and young people over recent months, with additional items purchased from the monies raised from our prize raffle at our 20th anniversary celebrations.

The young people also helped us prepare our delivery for the Christmas Shoebox Appeal, with over 50 shoebox gifts which had kindly been donated by our young people, carers and staff.

These participation events will continue to take place for young people throughout 2023, and the young people were able to offer ideas for future sessions, including possible charitable and fundraising opportunities.

Fostering Family Members

FCA Scotland are looking to hear from our sons, daughters and grandchildren living in fostering families about the support you receive from FCA Scotland and whether you want to be involved in helping to support other young people in the same situation.

Some ideas of ways you could get involved are group activities (face to face or online); “buddy” support with another young person; or writing a welcome letter or making a video to share with young people who families are considering or are new to fostering.

But we would love to hear your ideas as well – please use the QR Code to complete the survey or get in touch via Email / Phone / Text / WhatsApp or Voice Note: 07483 140307.

Staff Development Day

FCA Scotland held a development day for the full staff team to come together and discuss our progress so far in respect of The Promise, and to provide the opportunity for staff to work together and brainstorm creatively on ideas and ways that we can continue to move this forward.

This was a fun day, fuelled by chocolate and sweets in typical FCA Scotland style, to keep our energy levels up!

National Carer Rep Forum

The Service Lead for The Promise was delighted to be asked to contribute to the National Carer Rep Forum to provide information about The Promise in Scotland; FCA Scotland’s commitment to The Promise and our progress so far. This was very positively received and informative for our foster carers and staff in other regions of the UK who had not been aware of The Promise previously.

Similar information has also been shared at a recent development session with our independent staff including Reviewing Officers, Panel Members and Form F Assessors as we work to ensure that The Promise is considered and included throughout these areas, as one of our focus points as we move forward into 2023.

So, what’s next?

FCA Scotland still have lots of plans as we continue to progress our pledge to #KeepThePromise – and even more support from our amazing young people and carers will help us to do so – here are some areas where you can get involved:

  • Young people contribution to future newsletters
  • Young People Champions – Fostering and Continuing Care
  • Participation events for young people – attendance and suggestions welcome.
  • Carer participation groups
  • Birth children – participation and peer support
  • Provide feedback and suggestions about FCA Scotland’s processes and services