Roxanne, the Service Lead for the Promise, shares what FCA Scotland has been doing for children and young people this July…
Does anyone know where July went?! What a busy month it has been for FCA Scotland as the school summer holidays and programme of young person events have been in full swing! The first week in July saw our Promise participation events take place in the East and West of the country with 15 of our young people coming along to hear about The Promise, plant some Promise wildflower seeds and make some lovely Promise-themed arts and crafts projects which are now proudly displayed in the Cambuslang Office. We are now looking forward to the next participation events as these start to become a regular occurrence again following the pandemic, as a way to continuously seek the views of our young people and involve them in the planning and development of the service.

Ensuring our young people’s voices are heard and that they have an understanding of The Promise is so important for FCA Scotland. To ensure that this is the case, we have now created a young person’s factsheet to provide some simple information about The Promise and FCA Scotland’s commitment to #KeepThePromise. This factsheet has now been included within the welcome pack that young people receive from our Children and Young People’s Support Service.
I was also lucky enough to attend several of our other young people’s events in July including the Clip and Climb Event in Ratho, and a fabulous sunny day at Blair Drummond Safari Park where it was amazing to see so many of our carers and young people together. I also managed to go along for a couple of days of the FireReach programme and got to see 8 of our young people participate in this fantastic opportunity and see the passing out parade and presentation at the end of the week.
The Promise survey for carers and young people remains open with an initial analysis of the feedback received to date being completed. Several common themes have already been identified and we continue to welcome responses from all of our foster carers and young people. The feedback from the survey will lead to the launch of our carer participation group for those who responded to the survey and indicated a wish to take a more active role in the participation and development of the service.
If anyone has any queries or suggestions regarding The Promise, then please do not hesitate to get in touch:
Roxanne Little
Service Lead – The Promise
FCA Scotland