Foster Care Training
Like any career, fostering is a journey of learning. And just as there are different types of fostering, there are also different pathways you can take, depending on your interests. For example, specialising in asylum seeking children. Our foster parent training, support and development will help you become the best foster carer that you can be.
Taking our foster carers, and our services, to the next level
Our training courses package has been developed to support you in any activities. Our aim is simple: to help you become the very best foster carer you can be. There are different types of foster carer training and all our training is mapped to regulations and national minimum standards.
Prepare to Foster
All of our prospective foster carers complete “Prepare to Foster” – a pre-approval training course during their assessment process that explores:
Mandatory training
Once approved as a foster carer, there is a comprehensive programme of ongoing training and development available across our fostering network; starting with mandatory courses that all foster carers will receive. Covering all the ‘essentials’ that every foster carer needs to know for looking after children and young people, this takes place at the beginning of your career, and carries on throughout with regular refreshers along the way. Topics covered include:
Health and safety
Equality and diversity
Identity and self-esteem
Child protection
Attachment and child development
First aid
Protecting children & safeguarding foster carers
Managing difficult behaviour
Understanding self harm
As part of your development, you’ll also have the opportunity to take part in weekly group training sessions run by our dedicated FCA Scotland therapist.
Online learning
As well as training and workshops, we offer a number of programmes through ‘Learnative’, our exclusive online portal which enhances your learning and gives you more control over how and when you learn.
This combination of face to face and online learning experiences means we’re able to offer you a flexible and continuous programme of learning and development opportunities to meet your needs, whatever and however you want to learn.

Speak to our team
Whether you’re ready to start your journey or just want to chat to an expert, we’re here to talk.
Enquiry Form
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Can’t find what you’re looking for?
By Phone
Call a member of our friendly fostering team and they’ll be able to answer all your questions.
By Email
Email our team by completing our online enquiry form.
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