What is participation?
Participation is the involvement of children and young people, creating opportunities for consultation and expression, and then using this information to inform practice. This underpins everything we do at FCA Scotland. To achieve this we have a Participation Framework and Action Plan which sets out what we should be doing and ensure there is accountability for this at all levels.
We strive to work in accordance with the following core principles:
How we achieve participation
We have Participation Ambassadors to be the voice and champion of participation. A good example of participation includes the involvement of young people in interviews of staff and in our preparatory fostering training programme.
Children and young people are also consulted about activities and asked to comment on and contribute to revisions on some of our key documents such as the Young Persons Guide and the Statement of Purpose. We encourage our young people to have advocates and independent visitors and explain what they do in the Young Person’s Guide.
Even more support
Support for young people
Our service is focussed on the needs of the children we look after, so we’ve built up a strong framework of support around them.
Team Parenting®
Team parenting is our commitment to a therapeutic way of thinking about children and their emotional needs.
Education support
We are committed to supporting all our children and young people to achieve their educational potential.
Speak to our team
Whether you're ready to start your journey or just want
to chat to an expert, we're here to help.
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By Phone
Call a member of our friendly fostering team and they'll be able to answer all your questions.